EMDR was created by Francine Shapiro as a treatment for symptoms associated with trauma. Today, EMDR is still widely used to help victims of trauma (sexual abuse, natural disasters, car accidents, combat trauma). But, it is also used to treat a variety of other symptoms including low self-esteem, test and performance anxiety, lack of assertiveness, feelings of powerlessness, unhealthy relationship patterns, irritability, and more.
The concept behind EMDR is that current unwanted symptoms and emotions are linked to past negative events that were improperly stored in the brain's memory network. EMDR uses Bi-lateral stimulation to allow you to reprocess that past negative event and store it in a healthy way that promotes healing and lessens the current emotions connected with that event.
Sometimes people know the event that is connect to their current distress
Example: "I am afraid to drive because of a traumatic car accident 3 months ago"
Other times, the cause of the current dysfunction is unclear:
Example: "I have panic attacks when I give presentations to large groups of professionals, but I have no idea why. It started 4 years ago out of the blue. Prior to that, I loved giving presentations. But now, when I see all of those people, I just lose it every time."